1st time dapat tag daripada junior aku, Aisyah Naqiah
& 1st time jawab mende nie..
Jawapan aku bukan 100% betul..
Ada yang betul, merapu, jokes
Sebab personal bukan semua boleh kongsi, ye tak?
- What is your fullname ? for short ---> HSMZ bukan HSNZ yee.. *ngee*
- Are glad with your name ? Nama Islam.. ada maksud poolak tuh.. haha.. banggo2..
- What is your nickname ? Erk, perlu ke aku jawab?? Macam2 ada ---> Angah, Nis, Jepuk, Yo & etc...
- What are you doing right now ? Tengah ketip2 jari kat blog, jawab tag nie..
- Who is the last text you today ? Kabo.. (link)
- Who is the earliest text you today ? Hotlink free MMS, pukul 3 pagi lebih dia anto.
- Who is the first person you kiss today ? Seggy? Erk, mana ada. Nanti gatai ar hidung aku.. Entah?
- Are you happy with your life ? Aku suka life after SPM ni.. Chillex..haha.. Nanti dah habis fasa ni, busy balik laa.. Adeii... =='
- Do you have a best friend ? Ada, banyakk.. Mostly ----> Kabo.
- Do you love your best friend ? (Jawab dalam hati...) ^^
- When you have a big problem , who the first person you meet ? Aku pendam je.. Kalo dah takleh tahan, rasa2 nak meletop baru laa aku cari SEMEON. haha
- Do you have a boy/girl friend ? Asal article dia guna 'A'? Sebab aku ramai kawan..
- Do you love your boy/girl friend ? Dah nama pon kawan, mestilah!
- Do you have your own lap top ? lap top? Lap top tu riba atas ke? Asal dalam soalan nie dia gap antara word lap & top tu??
- Do you have siblings ? Aku bukan anak tunggal.. Ada je.. alhamdulillah, aku tak keseorangan..
- Who do you most closely in your siblings ? Sheggy? haha.. takdelah.. Iqa kot? Sebab dia sorang je adik pompuan aku..
- Who do you most closely in your cousin ? Kalo aku jawab pon, macam laa korang kenal? haha..
- Which is more closely ? Dad or mom ? Dua2.. takde diorang, takdenya aku..
- Which is more interesting ? Facebook or Blog ? Blog kot.. Facebook agak boh-san. Kata nak tutup, tapi tak tutup2 pon?
- Who understands you ? I am me myself... (Erk, terikut link Blog Kak Yussida laa) hehe
- What do you expect in your life ? Macam2... Antaranya: Tercapai cita2 & Mati dalam Iman..
- Who do you want to tag ?
P/s: Nani, sori eh, ter-use KABO.. haha.. Jangan Marah.. nanti cepat tua....
KABO hop aku buwi ko mu ado lagi ko? ^^
Yes..kabo melaporkan diri Over..hahahha!!!! Kabo hok mu v tu, sentiasa aku gilapkan.hahaha..dun wori. huhuhu.
ReplyDeleteHahaha halimunan mu wi ko aku..kah3 pepepun, thanks bab tag aku..huhu terharu wess..haha
ReplyDeleteoghea kelatea jgk ko..ko oghe ganu
ReplyDelete>>>Inani: hoho, kabo mari doh,.yo? bagus lah.. haha..
ReplyDelete>>>Nusyaz: sajo.. pah, ivnicible tu gpo? terharu ey? sama2... :)
>>>Jiji Yu: Boleh blako.. Ore klate + ganu.. hehe.. ^^
terharu aku, mu sayang aku ni :D
ReplyDeletekabo?kalau terengganu mksudnya khabarkan...ni kabo klatew lettew...adik sy takut kumbang..nanges2 kalo kasi die..hehe
ReplyDeletehehe.. pndai! org mana ey kamu sis?
ReplyDeletekalo qlate, kabo tu kumbang.. there's a story why i called her like dat.. :)
hehehe....peluk kucing ye....
ReplyDeletesayang bebenor...hihihi
alorr rajinnye jawab tag~
ReplyDelete>>>mina: hehe... biasa je.. :)
ReplyDelete>>>azi nur: 1st time jawab.. hehe...^^