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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chronology of Friendship/Relationship

Whether we realize or not, how weird the chronology of relationship or friendship is.

A stranger could become an acquaintance
From acquaintance could become a friend
Then, it develops to bestfriend.

It's not only that, when it comes to the most cases, 
the bestfriend could become a lover too.
But, that's so-called mostly and rare too, sometimes.

Bestfriend could also turn to be an enemy.
Pretty weird when they got the wrong meaning of rival, though.
When the enemy started to backbiting, talking something unpleasant
and it steers the good relationship away.
and become a stranger once again.

Nonetheless, the best is, when that bestfriend is always with you
by your side, despite in whatever circumstances you are 

But, above all, it's wonderful to have known them all.

I shall say, it's like Minions in Despicable Me. Lulz.
Sometimes lovely, annoying etc.


Well, that's the reality.

How does this friendship or relationship started?
By a stranger.

LOL. I don't get the motive of what is actually I'm about to say.
Cause when I observed the meaning of friendship, 
how do I get to know them or you as my friend is actually --- weird.

How impressive the 'ukhuwa' is.

Thanks for being my friend.
I dont look for enemy cause I am a good person. peff. -_-"

P/s: Sorry for not updating & blogwalking. been busy solving the world's problems. Heh.

Whould you like to comment?

  1. when it comes to relationship, its always complicated :)

  2. Odei..
    ambo kalu mat saleh gak scroling slaluh mato,
    payoh nk pehe molek, hehe.. papae pun,
    kawan cermin kpd kita :)

  3. larhh..ko ke yg chat ngn aku mntk belanja

    1. haha. split personality lah aku ni kalo sampai ko tak cam? -_-"

    2. Minta Belanja?? Woowww..hehe. :)

      Hurm, Friendship??? (Unfortunately, I dun understand BI)


      Fenim..BI?? @_@

  4. ngan musuh pun kita boleh kawan apa.

    keduanya : respect! dan kita tak perlu ada persoalan tentang keduanya.

    1. untuk army, berkawan dengan musuh, boleh jadi 2.
      sama ada memang berkawan
      atau boleh jadi, kawan tikam belakang. (nak tahu rahsia strategi bagai). keh3

      tp betul, respect is a must! baru la istimrar bak kata org arab.

  5. bestnya kalau dapat kawan ngan semue orang ^^ tapi in the same time, pernah ade rase annoying dengan orang tanpa sebab? kenapa macam tu ea? bukan die buat salah ngan kite pun...(pernah jd kat aku..)

    1. yup.. aku pon pernah gak rasa camtu.
      mungkin sebab kita terlalu mencari kesalahan dia & kita tak hargai dia?

  6. kawan yang jadi musuh ni lagi bahaye sebenarnye sebab die dah tau sume pasal kite kan.. so sebaliknye elakkan r bende macam ni jadi..

    1. indeed. kalau awal2 dah mmg musuh, takpe je.
      tp kalau dr kawan--->lawan tu mmg bahaya la.
